The Mountain Town Music team works with a new artist every night. “So the flexibility and the fact that I can pre-configure and program the SSL Live desk quickly is super useful,” Hallock says. “I have no concerns walking into a show with an artist that I’ve never worked with before with no soundcheck, which happens a lot. We did Andy Frasco and the U.N. in front of 7,000 people and it was line-check and live.”
He adds, “The other thing that is really useful is that the L100 console just sounds good. I can walk up to it, throw things left and right and it’s going to sound really good right off the bat, just because the console and the preamps sound good, and the bus summation is excellent.”
Opting for the compact L100 was a smart move since some of the events are hosted in small venues or in unusual locations, such as on a ski run. “A lot of times our ins and outs are also really fast, so I don’t run any outboard; I do everything in the desk,” Hallock says. “I love the Bus Compressor. The dynamic EQ is great. The VHD saturation is awesome; I like tape emulation, especially if it’s a classic rock band, and that does exactly the same thing. Having tube emulation on the individual compressors is also really nice and warms things up.”
He also enjoys the utility of SSL’s Sourcerer, the plug-in equivalent of source enhancer hardware. “A lot of our stages are smaller and not acoustically friendly. Drums and guitar cabs getting into the vocal mic is a huge issue for us, especially because we don’t mix at a very high SPL—we are typically around 90 dB. So being able to get that bleed out of the vocal mic is so helpful.”